December 24, 2012 at 10:56pm
This is not a comprehensive list
of every occult, witchcraft, herbalism or Celtic books ever published. Instead,
it is a list of books worth buying, reading and treasuring. You know, the good
stuff! This list will continue to evolve as I work my way through my library -
it's also open to suggestions, so feel free to email me a title you think
should be included, and why it is deserving of recommendation.
Australian books/authors
What Is Magic by Caiseal Mor
Witches of Oz by Matthew &
Julia Philips
Sorcerers and Jealing Spirits by
Janice Reid
Dancing the Sacred Wheel by
Frances Billinghurst
Pan's Daughter by Nevill Drury
Practising the Witch's Craft by
Doug Ezzy
The Classics:
Aradia or the Gospel of the
Witches of Italy by Charles G. Leland, 1899
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic
Countries by W.Y. Evans-Wentz, 1911
The Golden Bough by James George
Frazer, 1922
The History of the Devil: The
Horned God of the West by R. Lowe Thompson, 1929
The Greater Key of Solomon edited
by Samuel L. Macgregor Mathers, 1914
The Secret Commonwealth: An Essay
on the Nature and Actions of the Subterranean (and for the Most Part) Invisible
People, Heretofore Going Under the Name of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies by Robert
Kirk, 1691
The White Goddess: A Historical
Grammar of Poetic Myth by Robert Graves, 1966
The Hero with 1000 Faces by
Joseph Campbell
The Book of the Law by Aleister
Modern Classics:
The Complete Art of Witchcraft:
Penetrating the Secrets of White Magic by Sybil Leek, 1971
Fifty Years in the Feri Tradition
by Cora Anderson
Witchcraft Today by Gerald
High Magic’s Aid by Gerald
Gardner, 1949
Mastering Witchcraft: A Practical
Guide for Witches, Warlocks & Covens by Paul Huson, 1971
Natural Magic by Doreen Valiente
Rebirth of Witchcraft by Doreen
Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen
The Writings of Roy Bowers
(Robert Cochrane)
Nightside of Eden by Kenneth
Mystical Qabbalah by Dion Fortune
Psychic Self Defence by Dion
The Way of the Shaman by Michael
Cunning-Folk & Familiar
Spirits: Shamanistic Visionary Traditions in Early Modern British Witchcraft
and Magic by Emma Wilby, 2006
Singing With Blackbirds: The
Survival of Primal Celtic Shamanism in Later Folk-Traditions by Stuart A.
Harris Logan, 2006
Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of
Ecstasy by Mircea Eliade, 1951
Shamans Sorcerers and Saints: A
Prehistory of Religion by Brian Hayden, 2003
The Way of Wyrd: Tales of an
Anglo-Saxon Sorcerer by Brian Bates, 1984
Witchcraft and the Shamanic
Journey (aka North Star Road) by Kenneth Johnson, 1999
Initiation into Hermetics by
Franz Bardon
Sorgitzak: Old Forest Craft by
Veronica Cummer
A Century of Spells by Draja
Complete Book of Incense, Oils
& Brews by Scott Cunningham
Crones Book of Words by Valerie
Worth, 1971
Crones Book of Charms &
Spells by Valerie Worth, 2002
Hoodoo, Herb and Root Magic by
cat yronwode
Magical Herbalism by Scott
Spiritual Cleansing: A Handbook
of Psychic Protection by Draja Mickaharic
Magical Use of Thoughtforms by
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki & JH Brennan
The Ritual Magic Workbook: A
Practical Course of Self-Initiation by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowick
The Initiate's Book of
Pathworkings: A Bridge of Dreams by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of
Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
The Herb Book by John Lust
Herbal Medicine-Maker’s Handbook:
A Home Manual by James Green
Magical and Ritual Use of
Aphrodisiacs by Richard Alan Miller, 1985
Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs
by Richard Alan Miller, 1983
Witchcraft and the Shamanic
Journey by Ken Johnson
Pharmako Trilogy by Dale Pendell
Plant Spirit Shamanism:
Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul by Ross Heaven & Howard G. Charing
Witchcraft Medicine: Healing
Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants by Claudia Müller-Ebeling,
Christian Rätsch, and Wolf-Dieter Storl, 2003
Other books of note
The Black Pullet
Traditional Witchcraft: A Book of
Cornish Ways by Gemma Gary
The Black Toad: West Country
Witchcraft and Magic by Gemma Gary
Village Witch by Cassandra
Children of Cain: A Study of
Modern Witchcraft by Michael Howard
A History of Modern Wicca by
Michael Howard
*With thanks to The Witch of
Forest Grove ( and Witches WorkShop
( for additional recommendations I have taken onboard
over the years, and incorporated into my own library."
Also Grimoire for the Green Witch, by Ann Moura. She's brilliant, and has heaps of books worth checking out :)
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